• students in lunch room

    Bridging the Gap

    School lunch plays a key role in each child’s school day. Nutritious, premium quality school meals are important to both parents and children. Children need to eat healthy meals to perform well in class and parents want to know that the food served is safe and nutritious as well as appealing. Our staff is very excited about working with you this year as we feed the children of Butts County tasty, nutritious meals.

Our Goals

    • To provide low cost, nutritious meals following the dietary guidelines to students on a daily basis.
    • To assure that all meals served meet 1/3 of the daily recommended allowances.
    • To provide high quality meals in a safe and sanitary environment.
    • To provide a variety of fresh foods, including student choices in the menus.
    • To increase student, parent, teacher and community involvement in the School Nutrition Program.