Stark Elementary School

Dedicated to excellence in education

Book Fair COUNTDOWN by Brittany Hooker
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Eagle News

  • Staff Spotlight



    Ms. Kimberly Tingle, Teacher of the Year

    Ms. Amanda Ward, Support Person of the Year

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    Stark Elementary received the Cafeteria of Excellence award from the Georgia Department of Education. This award recognizes both the Georgia School Nutrition standards and the standards of excellence. These standards are aimed at recognizing the work of local school nutrition professionals for their exceptional attention to serving quality school meals and providing excellent customer service while maintaining program integrity. Award requirements include criteria reflective of menu standards, service of Georgia Grown products, student meal participation, school nutrition promotion plan, and health inspection scores. We are SO PROUD of our STARK STRONG Nutrition Program and Staff!!!


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    Our mission statement is to provide learning and life experiences that maximize the learning potential for all students so they are prepared for a productive future.


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    Welcome to SES!

    Stark Elementary is the largest of three elementary schools in Butts County, GA and currently enrolls approximately 650 students. Our mascot is the eagle and our school colors are maroon and tan.