

Degrees and Certifications:

Kelly Dickerson


Hello, I am Mrs. Dickerson! This is my eleventh year teaching here at Stark. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education and Special Education from Gordon State College. I then attended Georgia Southwestern State University and graduated with my Masters in Elementary Education. I taught Pre-K for ten years and this is my first year in first grade. I am so excited to be a part of the first grade team and can't wait to start working with the first-graders. My family and I live in Jackson. I have been married for ten years and have two daughters: Stella(13) and PJ(8). I have two cats and one dog: Mooncat, Lampy and Pearl. My daughters keep me busy. I spend a lot of time at the lake or at the barn watching my daughters ride horses. When I have a moment to myself, I like to go shopping or read a good book.

I am looking forward to working together for a fun, exciting year full of learning!   




Last Modified on July 26, 2024